Flexa, a Joint Venture between Enpal and Entrix, is chartered with delivering a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) delivering exceptional energy cost savings while supporting the transition to a 100% renewable electricity future.
The combination of delivering complete residential energy systems at great cost with savvy market participation in several revenue streams sets us up to deliver real world customer savings while improving customer satisfaction enjoying the advantages of a fully electrified and energy producing home.
Through a deep integration into the installed hardware and a direct connection to the customer interfaces, Flexa’s solution controls the energy assets (such as EV, heat pump, home storage and others) of the entire Enpal energy community with an exceptional level of accuracy, speed, transparency, and thus customer satisfaction. With intelligent real-time dispatching algorithms, Flexa maximizes Enpal customers’ usable flexibility and its returns on energy markets including costs, such as grid fees, asset degradation.